About Malipai

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Who We Are

The Matab-ang Project and it’s acronym MALIPAI were first conceived in 2011 after its founders made a life changing visit to Bacolod City on the Island of Negros in the central area of the Philippines.

After 2 years of research and many trips to Bacolod City, the MALIPAI project began as a way of providing the local community with vocational training, the opportunity to start small businesses, the opportunity for small scale manufacturing, English classes, computer classes, tertiary education scholarships and financial literacy.

The organisation was formed as a not for profit association with a mission to fund, build and create a facility with a pleasant environment where learning, enterprise development and employment could flourish. This building now stands to serve the local people. The facility employs local staff who help promote the centre, source trainers for relevant training and courses and carry out the necessary administration so that the centre could become sustainable and a place where hope is given to the people who have the ability when given the opportunity to rise out of their difficult circumstances.

Enriching lives in the Philippines

Through Educational and Vocational Support

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Why Choose Malipai

Malipai exists to help people help themselves once given the tools and the resources to do just that, we at Malipai believe that Education is a significant contributor to ending poverty. The Malipai team are based in the Philippines and in Australia, we employ local people in the Philippines and our team in Australia are volunteers. Our goal is to be sustainable financially and to teach our students to be community leaders, to be socially responsible and to become environmental advocates and wise decision makers as we aim to break the cycle of poverty for those we serve.